1.Development of Shanghai Economic

As mentioned in the people section, unlike the residents of many great cities, a large part of Shanghai residents still retain memories of famine and war.

Nowadays rapid economic development is one of Shanghai's most famous labels. When people are talking about Shanghai's economy, they are talking about a miracle city that is growing faster than the others. Our team used the D3 library to build 2 graphs to observe the economic development of Shanghai.

China is also a fast-growing economy. Our team compared the income and expenditure levels of Shanghai residents and Chinese residents based on the data from Shanghai Statistical Yearbook 2015 and 2020.

Graph 6

From 1980-2019, Shanghai urban residents’ disposable income has increased more than 100 times, from 600-70,000 yuan. It is 30,000 yuan higher than the national level in 2019.

In the world city list selected by GaWC in 2018, there are a total of 10 cities with Alpha++ or Alpha+ levels, and Shanghai has become one of them. So how does Shanghai compare with world-class cities? Our team surveyed the GDP and population data of these 10 great cities in the past 20 years from their respective statistical bureaus to trace their development process in recent years.

Graph 7

According to CITYMAYORS STATISITCS, in 2020, Shanghai’s urban GDP ranks 16th among all cities in the world. It has become one of the world’s most important economic centers.


2.Consumer Interest and Living Standards

Shanghai is obviously a city that has done a great job in economic development. Furthermore, our team wants to know what every ordinary Shanghai resident is talking about when talking about the Shanghai economy? In the past few decades, which consumer products have they talked more about every day? What level of life are they living? We show it by making a racing bar chart, still based on the Shanghai Statistical Yearbook. Refresh and zoom the page to watch this racing bar chart.

Graph 8


Food and clothes are the major goods.Basic life needs are the things Shanghai residents pay most attention to every day.


Residents pay more attention to education and related service. Shanghai residents who have lived a wealthy start to focus on their children's education.


Traffic and communication plays a more important role in Shanghai residents’ daily life.


Residents become the most part that residents consume. Shanghai has become one of the most expensive cities in China to live in.

The line chart then shows the Engle coefficient of Shanghai residents, using the same dataset, which reflect their living standard.

Graph 9

From 1980-2019, Shanghai residents’ living standard has become better and they have had a wealthier life now.

In the 1980s, Shanghai people could barely meet their daily needs and mainly spent money on food and clothes, but now, they have a wealthy life and they are paying more attention to residence, education and traffic.